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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Sesame Seeds the all-round performers

Sesame Seeds are indeed the wonder seeds, which are used to extract oil, make food stuffs, animal feeds, utilized in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic products and so on. There are so many manuscripts regarding the history of sesame seeds production and cultivation as per the market needs.

Sesame seeds are usually available in white and black color; approximately weighing one ounce per thousand of seeds.It has maximum oil content and around 45 per cent meal content.

Approximately 66 % of sesame seeds are used for oil and the rest is consumed as food stuffs. Around 42 per cent is roasted, 12 per cent is ground and 36% washed sesame seeds, whereas 10% of it is salted and roasted sesame seeds.

The baking and confection industry uses sesame seeds as a whole seed product. The seeds are used as whole in cooking and are famous for their nutty flavour.

Both dehulled and hulled, raw and roasted the sesame seeds are widely used for baking and candy making, apart from other food stuffs.A special kind of sesame seed called Tahini, available in the middle-east is used for making sesame seed paste, which is almost, equals to peanut butter in quality.

As it is high in antioxidants, it is often used as a cell-growth regulator, as the properties slow down cell growth and replication.Pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry maximized the use of sesame seeds and the end products are intensively implemented for skin care, foot fungus treatment, antibacterial treatment and the likes.

The Indian Ayurvedic treatment highly recommends the use of sesame seeds as well as sesame seed oils for variety of ailments.

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