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Friday, March 8, 2013

The features of Reliable Heating Elements and their parts

Heating Elements are essential for all the industries, as we need them from our homes to the huge plants manufacturing various other products. The high efficiency of a heating element is measured in terms of extreme dynamic property, format0neutralism, dispense with anti-stick coverings, durability, zero maintenance and devoid of any moving parts.

The usual drawbacks of heating elements that any manufacturer wants to avoid or minimize are as follows;
  • Long time for rise and cooling temperature
  • Complex mechanical designs for thermal expansion, local overheating and current transfer
  • Restricting certain anti-stick coverings like Teflons
  • High maintenance cost
  • Short service life and specific format restrictions
There are plenty of products used at home that consist of one or the other kind of heating element within it. Immersion heaters, sandwich makers and toasters, induction cooktops and the likes are few of the examples.

Every heating element has a contact surface, substrate, substrate insulation, protective cover as well as the heating and sensor layer or the active surface area. For a complex heating element there is a heating layer with thickness of micro-meters and a low thermal capacity and mass. The gap between the heating film and layer is a few micro-meters as well.

Wide range of 2-D geometrics for the heat-sealing tools allows them extreme versatility, such as the shaped tools.

There are varieties of heating elements available in the market such as ceramic heaters, heating rods, contact grill heating elements, convection heating elements, foil heating element, quartz heating element, dry heating element, hot plates, grooved tubular heating elements and the refrigeration heating elements.

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