A cotton bag are the best as they are ideal for carrying heavy as well as light weight items and they never melt or deteriorate like plastic bags. Cotton bags are gaining popularity as they can be customised into variety of designs and prints. As they are made from natural sources are durable and last long as compared to other bags.
As cotton sacks and bags are bio-degradable they are the best alternative for plastic bags which seldom degrade and need to be processed to degrade. Cotton bags are also a great medium of advertising as they can be easily printed and are home washable.
There are multiple ways to make cotton sacks and bags. However as cotton sacks and bags are in demand they are mostly made in bulk in factories, also bulk production ensures a larger profit. Cotton bags as the name suggests are made of cotton which is the primary raw material. Cotton contains cellulose which is processed and woven into a fabric using which cotton bags are made. Sometimes the bags are made of plain, textured or printed fabric and then decorative items like laces, beads are added to suit the design of the bag and make the bag more attractive.
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