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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Information technology services are just a click away

Do you have a laptop or a PC at home? If you are reading this, then you have already answered yes. The effect of the computer revolution has reached each and everyone making it a vital component of our daily lives. Everywhere we go, each and every aspect of our daily function has been automated. Information technology services are vital for all activities from the banking sector to the manufacturing sector, from the chemical industry to the fast-moving consumer goods industry.

Each and every aspect of our lives has been automated with a software program. We do not hesitate to pick up our mobile devices to complete our daily activities. Such is the power of the software programming industry. There is no doubt that without these automated technologies, we would still be living in the dark ages. The major contribution from the world of software programming has been the fact that we can access anything under the sun just a click away. Not only we are able to bring about greater synchrony in our daily activities, but we are also able to upgrade the level of work required.

In India, the information technology services kicked off brilliantly since the liberalization policy of the 1990s. This was the first time in the country, that masses we employed. Under the increased globalization policy, many with software engineering degrees were employed. E-commerce companies and other related web-based companies spread their wings to success. For almost two decades now, the GDP of the entire nation has been fuelled to a large extent due to this sector alone. Internationally, many multinationals are dependent upon the services of the skilled labor of this sector. India is one of the leaders in providing these services abroad and continues to hold a supreme position.

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