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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Difference between Mining and Quarrying

Quarrying and Mining are although two distinct processes their purposes are focussed around a similar segment. Both the techniques are used to extract various kinds of metals, precious stones embedded within the earth’s crust. 

In quarrying and mining although the practical procedures differ, yet the applications are similar which helps in obtaining pure and crude form of substances, which are vibrant. Mostly using the above mentioned methods usually precious stones and minerals and metals are extracted. Everything that is extracted is either available on the earth and within the earth hence there are two processes. Both the techniques are expressed in detail below. 

Quarrying is a type of mining. In this process various layers of the earth’s crust which consist of rocks are minned. In the process of quarrying a specific target is defined. There is a small amount of difference between the two mining and quarrying, however their main motive is extraction which is fulfilled using appropriate mining tools. 

Quarrying is done in open pits on the surface of the earth; known as quarries which are shallow pits. As they are man-made pits may resemble man holes and sometime the pits may be deep. However the reverse is true about mines, these are deep tunnels in which labourers enter to extract crude substances like gold, precious stones etc. Mining activity happens within the interior of the earth. When not in use the quarries are used as disposal pits to fill land.  

Although both the techniques have lucrative benefits as there are challenges the tasks are losing their potential. 
  • Environmental challenges for example natural calamities like earthquakes, floods etc.
  • Regulations and restrictions to rear the earth’s crust as constant rearing of ground may hamper the crust and lead to depletion of core components and thus disturb plant and animal life.
  • Deficiency of labourers is a common problem as the climatic conditions is extreme, not many people agree to work and hence child labourers are the last resort.
  • Although the tasks are very intense the benefits delivered to labourers are very poor.
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