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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Waste Management is the best way to save environment and protect natural resources

As we already know utility services are an inexplicable part of our lives. Time and again there came plenty of services to reduce the burden on mother earth and started Waste management programs that recycle waste and preserve the natural resources.

With time everything around us starts deteriorating, the responsibilities to take the charge is the most relevant option for a true citizen. We spoil our surrounding by dumping so much garbage, never bothering about the consequences in the large extent.

I am a believer of recycling things, not only because I am in love with nature, but I feel the urge to make things out of materials that we generally feel are unwanted and should get straight in to the dustbin. These are plenty of things we would definitely start from home to reduce the pollution around us.

Basically there are two kinds of waste we dispose of, such as bio-degradable and non-biodegradable. The degradable things easily decompose and mix with the soil, but the non-degradable things keep polluting the environment in a great amount.

Papers, kitchen products, leaves, food items are all biodegradable. Hence they can be managed in a wonderful way to make the waste management techniques very productive. I take them to my small garden. If you have some plants in pots or own a kitchen garden then certainly you got the best place for utilizing the waste your home produces. 

Take the wasted food stuff, vegetable peels and make a pit in the yard. Put all these stuff and layer with some soil, after some time the pit is filled to ground level. Now you can either plant a sapling over it or dig small amount of the compost and fill your pots to plant flowers and herbs that you want. Trust me there is no other alternative for a healthy fertilizer than this amazing bio-compost. Bio gas plants are the best example of waste management.

Waste material that is hard to degrade, like plastic bottles, polythene, also clothing that take longer time to get destroyed naturally are usually recycled. At home you can make various interesting home decors using the damaged clothes and dresses you want to discard. Plastic bottles come up with various interesting options, such as planting flower and herb plants in them, storing knickknacks and reducing the damage on mother earth.

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