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Monday, April 22, 2013

Uses of Electric Wires

Electric wires are wires which transfer electricity. To ensure safe and best usage while dealing with appliances and devices in commercial, household or industrial environment, electric wires play an essential role. Hence it is very important to select aright type and size of electric wire.

Selecting an electrical wire can be a dilemma as there are many different kinds of options available in the market to choose from and it is important to scale the exact ampere and heat resistance. In their original form electric wires do not have any concrete colour other than the distinct copper shade. However there is a colour code depending on which coloured sleeves are attached on electric wires.

Depending on the location where electric wires will be placed namely interior, exterior and their use in applications the materials they are made of vary. There are also various other factors which determine the composition of electric wires.
  • Where will the wires be placed in appliances or applications and then accordingly supply the power required by the circuit. 
  • Define the location of the structure for example it is a household, industrial or commercial setup. 
  • Examine the limitations levied by local as well as national bodies on voltage and ampere certifications to avoid mishaps. 
  • Survey the atmosphere around the setup, for example hot, cold or humid and select the materials which are resistant to the following conditions. 

Uses of electric wires
  • Electric wires of appliances are often custom made, so are expensive. Electric wires are used for speakers weaved using superior quality copper although it is not flexible it is better in performance and durable as compared to visually attractive cables. 
  • Small pieces of waste electric wires are used to hold plants together by the drafting method where two different plants yield a hybrid plant or while converting saplings into bonsai plants the roots are tied to shunt their growth and for supporting creepers. 
  • Jewellery makers use electric wires which are copper infused as they do not disintegrate easily and can help holding the jewellery together. 
  • Special electric wires are customised for computer networking helping to avoid the use of extended network cable.

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