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Friday, March 8, 2013

Safety Measures To Be Maintained For Switchboards

Switchgear include switchboards and electrical circuits that offer a complete service package to the electrical industry.The process requires analysis the overstress of switchboards and other switchgear, adequate manual operation as well as absence of anti-reflex control handling along with insufficient means of fire protection.

Let’s go through the most significant safety means that can prevent any possible hazards related to switchgear like the switchboards;

  • Restricting the operation of overstressed live switchgear and switchboards, it disables automatic operations in order to flush out the system faults. It is essential for the entire system’s protection.
  • Fire safety is of higher importance, so that the switchboards are protected against fire.
  • Live dependent switchboards need not be operated manually, unless the most experienced person in this aspect is handling it.
  • Replacing faulty switchboards.
  • Installing anti-flex handles.
  • If possible remove the closing mechanism for dependent manually operated switchgear, installing a new one. When you fail to do this, it is wise to replace the switchboard.
When you are not an experienced person, then don’t take the risk of getting into the repair or replacement work.So, you must approach one of the below mentioned person’s or organizations;
Switchgear manufacturers, electricity distribution companies, switchboard specialized consulting organization, maintenance companies for old models of switchgears and the likes.

The people, who will take care of the repair or maintenance work need to be thoroughly trained, otherwise you have to risk so many electric accidents at any point of time. Safety rules need to be maintained for the manufacturing plants for these switchgears, apart from the domestic and industrial safety precautions we take.

Inspecting your switchboards and switchgear in a timely manner offers you better protection against the electrical accidents. Stay safe and let others be the same by following these precautionary measures.

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