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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Impact of Mining and Quarrying

Mining and quarrying although are distinct techniques, but they are aimed at extracting vital essentials precious resources which are embedded in their crude form with the surface or the core of the earth. So depending on the existence of the resources the approaches vary. Some of the tasks of mining and quarrying are done on barren land or on primitive mines or quarries. So to initiate a task first choosing an appropriate location is very essential.

Often in both the techniques the staffs performing the tasks are subjected to collect impurities along with the crude compositions of the precious resources like gems, crude natural gas, petroleum and oil reservoirs. As the sole aim of both the activities is extraction the equipments used are modified a little to match the individual essentials. Also depending on the desired location whether on the surface of the earth or within the interiors the equipments and the procedures are adapted.

However both the techniques quarrying and mining are having drastic impact on our ecology as they involve the extraction of various kinds of minerals, gaseous substances, varieties of rocks and liquid solutions. Both the tasks have increased to foster the soaring demands for the resources which are reared through such procedures.

Some of the drastic impacts which have been traced enormously during the past few years are elaborated below  

Deterioration: As the land is constantly reared due to high tech equipments, the vital nutrients from the soil corrode. The deterioration also impacts the sun, rain and other environmental factors which contribute to the cycle of the nature.  

Adulterated: Due to constant mining and quarrying the land not only becomes infertile but also becomes adulterated and unfit even for habitat due to enormous amounts of erupting pollutants.  

Wildlife: Also as there is no scope for cultivation the wildlife which has been thriving in the zone is also hampered. Often most of the animals, birds which feed on the crops cultivated within the reared areas get exposed to the climatic changes and either die or shift to other zones for food.

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